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Who We Serve

Help-U-Bridge, LLC was founded in 2012 to serve people with a disability, illness, or those going through a life transition—as well as their caregivers. We are proud to be trained and experienced in services for the following groups:


What could we work on?

  • Leisure Education

  • Exploring Interests

  • Social Engagement 

  • ​Fine and gross motor movement

  • Productive Activity Pattern

  • Adaptive Sports

  • Physical activity 

  • Social Networks

  • Making & Keeping Friendships

  • Inclusive Community Engagement 

  • Community Integration

  • Leisure Routines

  • Family Recreation

  • Life Skills

  • New experiences

  • Choice Making 

  • Managing anxiety 

  • Social skills

  • Music Exploration

  • Sensory Exploration & Integration

How it Works

We provide individualized goal-based services in a one-to-one format within your home and community. We utilize a holistic approach focusing on the whole person. While working on individual skills and experiences we also incorporate group experiences with peers in the community as well as inclusive engagement. 


We enhance and complement the ways that individuals are already spending their time as well. Some individuals may be attending a day program, working competitively, or volunteering. We support them outside of those settings, enhancing their skills (social, emotional, cognitive, physical) while expanding their leisure interests and community engagement.  


We collaborate with all individuals and their families to develop and implement a productive activity pattern, engaging them in the home and community while working on their goals and meeting new people.


​We also offer program development and staff training for other agencies.

Individual in wheelchair looking up and smiling at a sculpture in an art museum.

"We are both extremely happy with Help-U-Bridge. The staff is very professional and friendly. And from what I can hear, the online activities are engaging and fun. They did an amazing job of adapting to the virtual sessions and is overall very supportive of [our child's] needs. Also, I cant thank them enough for being flexible with our crazy family dynamics."


What We Offer

Life Skills

We support and enhance an individual’s life skills within their home, in turn enhancing their independence. We support individuals in learning how to complete household tasks, grocery shopping, cooking, and how to contribute to the home maintenance.

Remote Sessions

Developed in response to the COVID-19 shutdown, we can implement activities guided towards enhancing cognitive, physical and social skills through remote sessions on Google Meets as requested by a client or family.

Recreational Therapy

One-to-One: Service by a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. We’re currently providing this service to families in-home and community based, as well as to other agencies within their day services.


Group Therapy by a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist within a group format. We provide this service within day programs or residences of agencies serving individuals with disabilities.

Music Therapy

One-to-One: service by a Board-Certified Music Therapist, for an individual family or for an agency serving individuals with disabilities.


Group Therapy by by a Board-Certified Music Therapist in an agency day program or residence.

Community Engagement

Individuals are supported within their community engaging in preferred activities, routine activities and new experiences. Individuals actively make choices about their day and participate in planning. We also support individuals in inclusive community activities while forming and maintaining relationships.

Individualized Specialty Projects

These services are developed in partnership with clients and are connected to their creative or expressive dreams. Some examples of our projects have included hosting and participating in art shows, writing for a creative writing contest, a personalized celebration or social event, and much more. All events are designed to be accessible, inclusive, and supportive of clients' friends and family.


Community Groups

In our Building Bridges for Life program, we facilitate community recreational groups  open to individuals not associated with Help-U-Bridge. We have organized and facilitated an Adaptive Bowling League in Montgomery County focusing on creating social networks through sport. In 2022 we received a grant called the SEED award from the Philadelphia Autism Project, with which we developed and implemented a community-based recreational activity group for young adults on the spectrum to increase their leisure repertoire, peer social network, and productive lifelong activity pattern. We plan to continue developing similar programs and facilitating in more counties.



We are in the process of developing this new private service for older adults living in the community or in long-term care facilities. Our Senior Concierge service will be available to assess one’s life situation and functional ability in an effort to maximize their quality of life. Services may include supporting individuals in their recreational interests, community social opportunities, physical fitness, errands, and more. Help-U-Bridge has an ADA compliant wheelchair van for transportation needs.

Person in wheelchair and companion on a beach

Take the next step.

Reach out to our team today for a consultation.

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